浦野英語教室 >Hiro's Blog >The last day of March 3月最後の日

The last day of March 3月最後の日

Today is the last day of March. Time really flies.

I’m going to get busier next month with an additional class to give, and the number of my students has increased, but I think I’ll be able to manage my school.

Each class has each challenges to meat. I’m happy with them, because I’m able to learn constantly. Learning has no end.

I’m also happy with the students. I love children. Of course, I sometimes have problems with them and feel down and I even can’t sleep at night.

On the other hand, I feel extremely happy when a class went well or my students get high scores or good grades in English at school.

The trouble I have now is not to have enough time to study English for myself.

Well, since I don’t have any classes to give today, I will study English.











カテゴリー: 日常   パーマリンク


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