浦野英語教室 >Hiro's Blog >I don’t watch TV 私はテレビを見ません

I don’t watch TV 私はテレビを見ません

I don’t watch TV. I’m a little bit exaggerating, but it’s a waste of time for me to spend time on watching useless entertainment programs.

It may be good to watch them for diversion, but I don’t spend much time in front of TV.

I’ve got that good habit since I started studying English.

The Internet is much more useful to get information what I want. News is always available both in English and in Japanese. Information on the Internaet is always new and in detail.

The economy has become so unstable after the huge earthquake in Tohoku area. I think people, especially young people need to aquire some skills to survive in the unstable society.

There are not so many Japapnese who have good command of English If you master English, there will be a good chance of getting a good job and you will be well-paid.

My students, don’t waste too much time on TV, and go for studying.













カテゴリー: 勉強   パーマリンク


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