浦野英語教室 >Hiro's Blog >My den 私の部屋

My den 私の部屋

I study in the guest room in my house.

I don’t have my own room. When I started to study English, I used the dining table. There used to be a lot of books around the table.

When my elder daughter entered a university, I brought the books into the room she had used to clear the table. I intended to study there, but I didn’t feel comfortable and ended up to study in the guest room.

I use the guest room as a classroom, so I spend most of time and do everything from preparation for the classes to some erands there. 

I’m not distracted by the noise of TV. The living room is close, so I can talk to my family easily and answer phones. The table in the quest room is large compared to the desk, so I can spread books on it. It is the guest room that I relax most.

It is important to make a good environment to study.






カテゴリー: 勉強   パーマリンク


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