浦野英語教室 >Hiro's Blog >My students laugh at pictures I draw 生徒が私の絵に笑う

My students laugh at pictures I draw 生徒が私の絵に笑う

I sometimes draw pictures to get my students to understand English. My students laugh at them because they are funny or not good, but I like to see them laugh. It makes me laugh as well and feel happy.

Yesterday I draw a picture of a bear to explain the image of the preposition “on” in the class for high school students.

They laughed at the picture and one of them said, “You are not good at drawing.”

Well, actually, I’m good at drawing and painting. I just want them to concentrate on my lesson.

Do you believe it? (^^)










カテゴリー: 教室の様子   パーマリンク


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