浦野英語教室 >Hiro's Blog >七夕のお天気は?How was the weather?

七夕のお天気は?How was the weather?

今週の子ども英語では、七夕のお天気どうだった?How was the weather? と生徒に聞いています。





ということで、いつもなら、How’s the weather? It’s rainy. と練習しているところを

過去形の It was rainy. It was sunny. It was windy. It was snowy. It was cloudy. で練習しました。

How was the weather on July 7, the Star Festival? I have asked this question to my students this week, but most of them didn’t remember.

Do you remember it? Yes, it was rainy. And the next day was sunny. 

To those students who seemed not interested in the weather of the day, I said “Don’t you see the sky on the night of the Star Festival? You are not romantics.”

So… I have made my students practice saying the past tense of “was” this week.

It was rainy, etc.


カテゴリー: 教室の様子   パーマリンク


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