浦野英語教室 >Hiro's Blog >How to spend Golden Week ゴールデンウィーク

How to spend Golden Week ゴールデンウィーク





主婦は、家の掃除もしないといけませんものね。明日は、もうちょっとがんばって学習します。objects 12

How do you spend the Golden Week?

There are no classes for elementary and junior high school students, but I gave a class to high school students and will give some high school students a trial test of Eiken tomorrow.

So, I went out only yesterday.

I had planned to study English a lot during the week, but the time of studying has been almost the same as usual.

I, a housewife, have to clean my house, too. I will study more tomorrow.objects 1



カテゴリー: 日常   パーマリンク


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